アーティスト:青山卓矢 TakuyA
タイトル :はらい Harai
制作年 :2020年
素材 :Silver gelatin print
サイズ : 43.0 × 43.0 ×2 cm
額装 :なし
証明書 :なし
サイン :あり(木枠裏)
Roots series
昨今インターネットが普及し、SNSが流行り、ネット上で様々な言葉が飛び交っている。 自分から発する言葉に対して責任も薄く、誹謗中傷が多いように感じる。 そして人同士のやりとりもメールで、履歴書も手書きすることがなくなっていき、文字を書くという機会もめっきり減った。 その言葉を言ったら相手がどう思うのか、もし自分が言われたらどう感じるのか、そういう想像をすることがどんどんなくなってしまっている。 そして自分自身もそうだったが、漢字をただの文字としてでしか見ていなく、漢字の美しさや力に気付いていなかった。 そんな今の時代に対して自分は写真を通しなにを伝えられるのかを考えた。 写真という表現を用い、漢字の成り立ち、漢字の持つ意味、漢字の美しさを知るきっかけを作り、言葉の持つ強さを想像し、その大切さを感じてもらう機会を作るということでした。
The Internet has become widespread these days, SNS has become popular, and various words are flying around on the Internet. I feel that people who use those services are less responsible for the words they say, and the content of the words is often slanderous. E-mail was preferred over handwriting as a means of communication, and resumes were no longer handwritten, and there were fewer opportunities to write letters.
Everyone can't imagine what the other person would think if they said that word, or how they would feel if they said it. And also myself, I had been seeing kanji only as characters and hadn't realized the beauty and power of kanji.
In such an era, I thought about what I could convey through photography.
Then I got an idea, using the expression "photograph", we created an opportunity to understand the origin of kanji, the meaning of kanji, and the beauty of kanji, imagine the strength of words, and create an opportunity for them to feel their importance.
We must be more aware that words can save and kill people.
I returned to my hometown where I learned my first language, and in the snowy landscape I met there, I imagined the background where snow became Hanshi-paper and nature became ink, and the ancestors made the characters kanji like this. It is a series of works that how I felt about all the history, meaning, beauty and strength of Kanji