瀬尾椋生 Ryosei Senoo

1996年岡山県生まれ。京都造形芸術大学(現・京都芸術大学) 情報デザイン学科卒。
「MIX UP!(個展)」Alternative Space yuge / 京都(2021)
「Serendipity」有楽町OIOI / 東京(2021)
「終わりの始まり」GALLERY KTO / 東京(2021)
「HILLS ZINE MARKET2021 ART&ZINE」六本木ヒルズA/Dギャラリー / 東京(2021)
I was born in Okayama,Japan in 1996. I graduated from Kyoto university
of the Arts. And, I majored in information design there. I started
artistic activities in 2020. And, I'm currently working in Tokyo,
My all works transform photographs that I took to unique forms such as
a fictional monster.
・Main exhibition history
「MIX UP!(solo exhibition)」Alternative Space yuge / Kyoto(2021)
「Serendipity」YurakuchoOIOI / Tokyo(2021)
「The beginning of the end」GALLERY KTO / Tokyo(2021)
「HILLS ZINE MARKET2021 ART&ZINE」Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery / Tokyo(2021)
「MIX UP!(個展)」Alternative Space yuge / 京都(2021)
「Serendipity」有楽町OIOI / 東京(2021)
「終わりの始まり」GALLERY KTO / 東京(2021)
「HILLS ZINE MARKET2021 ART&ZINE」六本木ヒルズA/Dギャラリー / 東京(2021)
I was born in Okayama,Japan in 1996. I graduated from Kyoto university
of the Arts. And, I majored in information design there. I started
artistic activities in 2020. And, I'm currently working in Tokyo,
My all works transform photographs that I took to unique forms such as
a fictional monster.
・Main exhibition history
「MIX UP!(solo exhibition)」Alternative Space yuge / Kyoto(2021)
「Serendipity」YurakuchoOIOI / Tokyo(2021)
「The beginning of the end」GALLERY KTO / Tokyo(2021)
「HILLS ZINE MARKET2021 ART&ZINE」Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery / Tokyo(2021)