五十嵐桃子 Momoko Ikarashi

景色を見た時の空気や光、その時の感情。それらを記録し、閉じ込めておくものとして、箱や蓋物を主に制作しています。 キルンワークという電気炉を使ってガラスを成形する方法を基本に、絵付 け、接着、吹きガラスなど他の技法も組み合わせながら1点ものの作品の制作を行なっています。
Born in Niigata, Japan in 1993.Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Crafts and Industrial Design, majoring in glass in 2016.
My work is based on the air, light, and emotions I felt when I saw the scenery. I mainly create boxes as something to record and confine them. I use kiln work, a method of forming glass using an electric furnace, as the basis for my work, and combine it with other techniques such as painting, gluing, and glass blowing.
All works are one-of-a-kind.