生澤 愛子 Aiko Ikizawa

生澤 愛子 (いきざわ あいこ)
メインコンセプトは、「自然とともに生きることによる、才能の開花」 幼少期に知った自然の美しさと、思春期に感じた人間の可能性を融合して、創作をおこなっている。インフルエンサーや女優、起業家などの著名人をはじめ、世界中に多数のコレクターがいる。作品に使用している四つ葉はすべて自分で見つけており、天然で本物。
メディア出演歴 : NHK チコちゃんに叱られる、フジテレビ系列 嵐ツボなどほか多数。
HP: aikoikizawa.com / Instagram@aikoikizawa
Four leaf clover Artist Born in Tokyo, Japan in 1996.
She loves looking for four leaf clovers since she was three years old. The four leaf clovers looks shining to her. She has met more than 110,000 four leaf clovers. The main concept is "flowering talent by living with nature". She creates by mixing the beauty of nature that she noticed in her childhood with the possibilities of human beings that she felt in adolescence. There are many collectors around the world, including celebrities such as influencers, actresses and entrepreneurs. All the four leaf clovers used in the work have been found by herself and they are natural and genuine.
She has appeared on many televisions in Japan. And her book is "The story of a girl who found 100,000 four-leaf clovers"